Why sex is called ‘making love’
The heterosexual act of vaginal intercourse is designed foremost as an expression of love between a man and a woman.
After all, if sex was...
Intercourse does not facilitate female orgasm
Men's sexual arousal is usually easy, which gives them a natural advantage. As a consequence, while men can usually hope for orgasm from their...
Women settle for emotional intimacy over sexual arousal
On relating our experience to others, we all tend to gloss over details or not own up to difficulties that were perhaps transient.
I told...
How to get laid
Men should take comfort from the facts of female sexuality. Most women are unlikely to orgasm from intercourse alone (which provides insufficient clitoral stimulation...
Sheltering young women from eroticism
Reading the word ‘sexy’, a boy of nine screwed up his face in a gesture of disgust and said “Yuck!”. I asked him why...
Why do so many women dislike eroticism?
Pornography is defined to be 'sexually explicit material (verbal or pictorial) that is primarily designed to produce sexual arousal'.
Two women give their views on...
Why do women not always appreciate displays of male sexuality?
I have never seen any reason to be embarrassed about my body. I am pretty. I have sensual skin that browns easily and a...
A man’s sexual arousal can be very flattering
In the early days of a romance, a man feels loved and needed through sex. A man’s sexual admiration for a woman makes her...
Sex and love
A BBC documentary ‘The Human Body’ presented by Dr Robert Winston films a sex education class. First the teacher writes the word ‘SEX’ in...
Female sexuality in perspective
Humans are one of the few mammals known to have intercourse even when the female is not in estrus (the fertile period in the...